Summer is a time for having fun and hanging out with friends. This past week has been full of fun times with friends!
It all started last Sunday. My friend Britney's wedding was fast approaching, and last Sunday we decided to surprise her with a little "bachlorette" party. Because Britney had several bridesmaids coming from out of town, we waited until they were all in town to have the party. We met ahead of time, carpooled over to Britney's house, surprised a very unsuspecting bride-to-be and took her on a scavenger hunt all over town. We wound up at her fiance's family's house where we played some games and made her bake a cake from scratch with no recipe. :-) That's Britney in the picture above, ready to bake that cake! Then, we ventured over to Dockside at the CdA Resort for some of their famous "gooeys." The night was definately filled with lots of laughter. . .and my car was also filled with the delightful strains of the
Enchanted soundtrack. :-)

Then. . .last Monday I went to see Wall-E with some of my friends. While I can't say I particularly loved the movie -- I was disappointed and had expected better -- I really enjoyed the time spent with friends. Ironically enough, the evening ended with another trip to Dockside for more gooeys. :-) The picture is of the gooey that I shared with a friend. It was the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup gooey. . .and that's just the personal sized one!
On Wednesday some of my girl friends and I met for our weekly small group. This week we decided to meet downtown where we got dinner at the Pita Pit and ate our pitas overlooking the lake. We then headed to a friend's house where we sat in the hot tub talking for at least a good hour. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures. Oh well.

On Friday night I went downtown with another friend and we walked around Tubb's Hill. It's a beautiful hill with some amazing views of the lake. Of course I was going crazy taking way too many pictures of the view. I guess I'm a cameraholic. . .I take entirely too many pictures (my apologies to anyone who is with me when I get on a picture-taking spree!). Anyway, I took lots of pictures of the water, and then we sat by the lake feeding the seagulls with leftover bread from work -- the seagulls thought they had died and gone to seagull heaven! :-) The picture above is a picture that I took up on Tubb's Hill. It's really a beautiful place. . .

Saturday was my friend Britney's wedding. . .and what a beautiful wedding it was. . .the ceremony was beautiful, the dresses were beautiful, the bridesmaids were beautiful, and, of course, the bride was radiant. It was a Cinderella wedding, through and through, and I honestly should not have expected anything less. *happy sigh* And, I didn't catch the bouquet *sigh of relief.* Catching it once is enough, thank you! :-) The picture above is a picture of Cinderella walking down the aisle with her father. :-)
So, yes, I would say it was a fun week. . .I made some new friends, and spent time with old ones. . .and that, my dear readers, is a wonderful thing!
So. . .how was
your week?!